Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Smile Joker Deceived by itself ( TEST )

The first step in his life was to remember that like being someone who is .... But this is an illusion to not try to be who you really should be.

Chapter 1

He poses as a Joker, showing happiness to everyone around him, but always fearing the heavy reality that at the bottom of an abyss that is within the felt sad and having hope, blind and dumb , that at any moment everything changes.

His life, the first steps of his own life, was expected to be normal like every kid in the neighborhood, that it would have a determining role that should not be imposed by their parents, but this, he did it with all his happiness, to know that life will grant a great opportunity to have something he really wants, but unfortunately in life, not everything work like a plan that someone make, The Joker tried most of what you think or someone else would do would try, just to please the people that care, his face, hidden trouble, that you only have to do the things that their elders do, while growing the bread could see that each was divided and could make a small gesture of contempt when It was for him this bread, the Joker decided to not see this gesture, took courage to ask so he could make make your own bread.

Friday, May 10, 2013

CCNA World - Elementos Basicos

Elementos Básicos de una Red : los Cuatros elementos por los cuales se rigen las redes del mundo. Para crear una red, se siguen es esquema básico de estos, por el cual un dispositivo manda por un medio un mensaje, que es enviado según unas reglas para llegar a otro dispositivo.

- Mensaje
- Medio
- Dispositivo
- Reglas

Dispositivos que funcionan de Intermedio en la Red

- Router : Dispositivo de capa de red que se usa una o mas métricas para determinar la ruta optima a través de la cual se debe enviar el trafico de red. Los Router envían paquetes desde una red a otra basándose en la información de la capa.

- Router Inalambrico :

- Switch : Dispositivo de red que filtra, reenvía o inunda frame basándose en la dirección de destino de cada frame. El Switch opera en la capa de data-link del modelo de interconexion de sistema abierto (OSI). 2.Termino general que se aplica a un dispositivo electrónico o mecánico que permite que se establezca una conexión  según sea necesario y que se termine cuando ya no haya ninguna sesión que se deba mantener.

- Nube : Se utiliza para resumir grupos de dispositivos en la Red.

- Medios WAN

- FireWall : Proporciona protección en la redes.

Evolución de una Red Multiple a una Red Convergente